Hi, there.
I’m Shevi Rivkin. I grew up in Montreal, Canada spelling colour with a "u". In 2009, I moved to New York to follow my dream and pursue a degree in graphic and web design. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 2012 and was honoured (sorry, it's a habit) to receive the Digital Multimedia Design Award. Five years later, I’m the lead graphic designer for a prestigious Jewish educational institution by day, and a full-time mom of two little girls. When my girls are asleep, there’s nothing I enjoy more than keeping my creativity fresh by working with individual and corporate clients on branding and graphic design.
I'm the first to admit that I'm a perfectionist--a difficult trait to have as a mom, but an excellent asset as a designer. I won’t rest until my clients are completely satisfied with the design. My graphics are fresh, balanced, and beautiful; creating the perfect platform to deliver information and ideas to any audience. In addition to the creative aspects of design, I specialize in the professional element as well, providing my clients with a smooth and straightforward design experience.
When I'm not designing, I enjoy spending time with my husband and reading to my daughters. The highlight of my week is my evening run. It’s a literal breath of fresh air giving me energy to keep creating awesome art. I look forward to working with you. Together, we’ll make your good ideas look great.